5th September 2013,
“If you can read this, thank your teacher”
"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth." - Dan Rather
We Indians celebrate 5th September as Teacher's Day to pay a tribute to the contribution made by teachers to the society who are the true Nation Builders.
5th September is the birthday of a great teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, who was a staunch believer of education, and was the well-known diplomat, scholar, President of India and above all a Teacher.
Teacher’s day is a day which demands respect and reflects lots of love and selflessness. The very essence of teacher’s day is that it marks the day on which you can express your gratitude to the most selfless being- your teacher. Teaching is not only a profession but is also the mother of all other professions. This profession creates and nurtures all other professions.It is the teacher who inspires and guides you through the thick and thin of your life. A teacher is not an individual but a phenomenon who acts like a friend, a philosopher, a guide and an inspiration.
"Gu" means ‘darkness’ in Sanskrit and ‘ru’ means ‘dispel’. The word ‘guru’ simply speaks of one who dispels the darkness and brings more understanding and light.
On this eventful day , I'd like to offer a standing ovation to each & everything who made me who I am..
We are students in every step of life.
The first Guru or teacher in our life is our parents. As children, we learn from our parents.They teach us, take care of us and nurture us to be good human beings ready to face the world. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Our parents teach us how to walk and talk.They teach us all the virtues, discipline, the value of honesty, truth, freedom , selflessness , modesty, love, compassion , self-respect and the list is endless. Each parent has his or her role to play and ideas to contribute.
Then we step into school, here we learn from our teachers. They are our ultimate Guru. We learn the basics of every language from our teachers. It is indeed a pleasure and privilege to be with such learned people who selflessly teach us the art of calculation, the beauty of the surroundings and the history of the world. Teachers are gems and we cherish them forever.
Everyone of us have a guru with us in office- our boss is our teacher. Our team leader is our teacher.
As we move further on in life and we settle down to a happy family life. Our spouse becomes our teacher. We learn a lot from him or her. He/She comes from a different background and we learn the art of adjustment and compromise. We share, care and begin to learn to share our personality with another person.
Gradually we become parents. Life has come a full circle. Our learning does not end here. We begin to learn from children. Child is the father of man.
My life is my best teacher. It taught me to laugh, cry, learn, unlearn, be vulnerable but never give up. Fight for what is right. I thank my teachers somedays knowingly and almost everyday unknowingly.
Earth is a classroom filled with self-tests which allows us to put all of our knowledge into action. If we can stay peaceful during the frightening and harsh tests, and forgive everyone including ourselves, we graduate with honors!
If I ponder upon the question that who inspires me the most- My Parents? My Teachers? Life?
True, my parents nurtured me with love & affection, teachers taught me invaluable lessons from books, & life moulded me to be what I am. However, on reflection I find that it is my own childhood which holds the greatest lessons of life.Child is the teacher chosen for all mankind.
So lets live like a child..
Let's -
Be Fearless - fear is in the mind, liberate ur mind to take the leap into the unknown.
Get Curious - The mysteries of life unfold if the eye is keen & willing to learn.
Believe - Let the belief of the child live on in U.
Have Faith - A simple prayer from the heart moves mountains.
Celebrate - Open ur heart, release the laughter & let the happiness spread.
Change - Conforming to dead patterns is stagnation.
Accept a challenge - So what if he's small, it's the attitude that matters
Ask for more - Asking for more is not greed ; it's the desire to encompass the world in ur arms.
Get Free - Only a child can be uninhibited and unconsciously himself.
Dream - begin the journey of a thousand steps.
Find solution - Isn't that why we have problems ; so that we could solve them.
Try Harder - It's that little extra which raises the ordinary to the extraordinary.
Be Good - Every act of kindness contributes to a better tomorrow.
Love - Love knows no boundaries & there are no conditions attached with it.
Live - Y lose even one moment of happiness.
Learn - Every skill is meaningful & its never to late to learn.
Keep Going - Lets struggle to bring light where there is darkness.
Take off - Y to keep ur feet on the ground when u can reach for the skies?
Make a friend - True friendship is not a big thing - its a million little things.
Smile - Is there anything in the world to match this ?
Have Fun - the colors in the life are more vibrant when u let them grow.
Help & Share - Its a wonderful way to move up together by making the journey a pleasure
Hope - A chink in the wall is enough to see the world.
Imagine - Put on ur thinking caps as u never know what clicks in life.
Here's a heartfelt thanx to my parents, all the teachers , friends , foes , those challenges, those difficult people , those struggles who made me who I am..Thank u so much 4 being there in my life..
Wishing all u lovely people out there a very Happy Teacher's Day..
“If you can read this, thank your teacher”
"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth." - Dan Rather
We Indians celebrate 5th September as Teacher's Day to pay a tribute to the contribution made by teachers to the society who are the true Nation Builders.
5th September is the birthday of a great teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, who was a staunch believer of education, and was the well-known diplomat, scholar, President of India and above all a Teacher.
Teacher’s day is a day which demands respect and reflects lots of love and selflessness. The very essence of teacher’s day is that it marks the day on which you can express your gratitude to the most selfless being- your teacher. Teaching is not only a profession but is also the mother of all other professions. This profession creates and nurtures all other professions.It is the teacher who inspires and guides you through the thick and thin of your life. A teacher is not an individual but a phenomenon who acts like a friend, a philosopher, a guide and an inspiration.
"Gu" means ‘darkness’ in Sanskrit and ‘ru’ means ‘dispel’. The word ‘guru’ simply speaks of one who dispels the darkness and brings more understanding and light.
On this eventful day , I'd like to offer a standing ovation to each & everything who made me who I am..
We are students in every step of life.
The first Guru or teacher in our life is our parents. As children, we learn from our parents.They teach us, take care of us and nurture us to be good human beings ready to face the world. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Our parents teach us how to walk and talk.They teach us all the virtues, discipline, the value of honesty, truth, freedom , selflessness , modesty, love, compassion , self-respect and the list is endless. Each parent has his or her role to play and ideas to contribute.
Then we step into school, here we learn from our teachers. They are our ultimate Guru. We learn the basics of every language from our teachers. It is indeed a pleasure and privilege to be with such learned people who selflessly teach us the art of calculation, the beauty of the surroundings and the history of the world. Teachers are gems and we cherish them forever.
Everyone of us have a guru with us in office- our boss is our teacher. Our team leader is our teacher.
As we move further on in life and we settle down to a happy family life. Our spouse becomes our teacher. We learn a lot from him or her. He/She comes from a different background and we learn the art of adjustment and compromise. We share, care and begin to learn to share our personality with another person.
Gradually we become parents. Life has come a full circle. Our learning does not end here. We begin to learn from children. Child is the father of man.
My life is my best teacher. It taught me to laugh, cry, learn, unlearn, be vulnerable but never give up. Fight for what is right. I thank my teachers somedays knowingly and almost everyday unknowingly.
Earth is a classroom filled with self-tests which allows us to put all of our knowledge into action. If we can stay peaceful during the frightening and harsh tests, and forgive everyone including ourselves, we graduate with honors!
If I ponder upon the question that who inspires me the most- My Parents? My Teachers? Life?
True, my parents nurtured me with love & affection, teachers taught me invaluable lessons from books, & life moulded me to be what I am. However, on reflection I find that it is my own childhood which holds the greatest lessons of life.Child is the teacher chosen for all mankind.
So lets live like a child..
Let's -
Be Fearless - fear is in the mind, liberate ur mind to take the leap into the unknown.
Get Curious - The mysteries of life unfold if the eye is keen & willing to learn.
Believe - Let the belief of the child live on in U.
Have Faith - A simple prayer from the heart moves mountains.
Celebrate - Open ur heart, release the laughter & let the happiness spread.
Change - Conforming to dead patterns is stagnation.
Accept a challenge - So what if he's small, it's the attitude that matters
Ask for more - Asking for more is not greed ; it's the desire to encompass the world in ur arms.
Get Free - Only a child can be uninhibited and unconsciously himself.
Dream - begin the journey of a thousand steps.
Find solution - Isn't that why we have problems ; so that we could solve them.
Try Harder - It's that little extra which raises the ordinary to the extraordinary.
Be Good - Every act of kindness contributes to a better tomorrow.
Love - Love knows no boundaries & there are no conditions attached with it.
Live - Y lose even one moment of happiness.
Learn - Every skill is meaningful & its never to late to learn.
Keep Going - Lets struggle to bring light where there is darkness.
Take off - Y to keep ur feet on the ground when u can reach for the skies?
Make a friend - True friendship is not a big thing - its a million little things.
Smile - Is there anything in the world to match this ?
Have Fun - the colors in the life are more vibrant when u let them grow.
Help & Share - Its a wonderful way to move up together by making the journey a pleasure
Hope - A chink in the wall is enough to see the world.
Imagine - Put on ur thinking caps as u never know what clicks in life.
Here's a heartfelt thanx to my parents, all the teachers , friends , foes , those challenges, those difficult people , those struggles who made me who I am..Thank u so much 4 being there in my life..
Wishing all u lovely people out there a very Happy Teacher's Day..