Tuesday, 24 June 2014


"Life is a competition.." is a line that all of us must have heard..

 Competition- taught to us probably when we were in kindergarten, first or second class..
We were taught "its a competition & u have to win" & we were not talking about sports at that time..We were talking about marks, comparison with others..U have to come first - better than the best & then this came to every sphere of life. It wasn't only at work place.It started happening between friends.It started happening between brothers & sisters - even between a mother & her daughter.

 This word has come out everywhere in our vocabulary. One belief system which is not true that "life is a competition" is so critical that it has lead to so much stress in our life. We have fitted this belief system at the sub-conscious & now every thought that will arise whether at work or at home or in the social circle & even in the social service where the intention is "Seva" or "Service".Even then its a competition coz once its fed at the sub-conscious then it doesn't matter in which aspect of ur life u r.

Competition & Jealousy go hand in hand.Jealousy has become so over-powering that any amount of logic, values & principles, ethics- everything has been left aside & ppl are ready to do anything just to get ahead of others..Lets check our lives & see  that " How many times are we ready to compromise on anything just because we wanna go ahead of other people- any amount of back-biting, office politics, using unethical means in flourishing our own business or whatever we are doing."

One of the main reasons of stress today is the line that "Life is a competition" so lets explore another belief system (Use it as a belief system, explore, experiment, see the result - like it then accept it)
 that "There is no competition at all. We are not competing with absolutely anybody.
 Each one is on their own journey & each one's capacity is going to be different. Let each one just focus on their own path & put in more than their best & they will get the result in proportion to their input. As will be the input so will be the output so where is the relative factor coming in ? "

 We all must have seen that when a kid came home after exams, parents would ask him "How was ur paper ? " If the child said "It was not good."
Next question would be "How was everyone else's ? & if he replied" auro ka bhi nahi achha hua" then some parents would say "chalo..tab theek hai"..thats where it started..

Lets understand that my performance is not in relative to the others. My result is not dependent on others' result. Its only dependent on my input. Somebody's situations could be favorable - good health, stable financial conditions. Our effort, sincerity, value system would be different. My situational factors, family condition, personal,emotional, physical conditions, efforts are my inputs. It has nothing to do with anybody else around me so where is the competition ?

If  10 people with different parameters put in their input & accordingly they will get the output. Now because of the belief that life is a competition,  irrespective of my input, I want my output to be more than the other person without considering the fact that his input factors were different from me - probably more favorable right now so then I started playing around with the input which meant unethical practices- not only on mine but being unethical to the extent of spoiling others' input..

We can see this everywhere. In families & offices we can see how people keep back-biting, criticizing, spreading different things about others ie. they try to manipulate others inputs so as to have higher output  than everyone else. While doing all this , there is a very dominant input factor which is automatically being worked upon that I'm not aware of - my state of mind & even deeper than that my karma which is getting created. By doing all these manipulations it's possible that my output turns out to be better than everybody else around & I feel "That's it.That's what I wanted.I am No. 1" & People say "All is fair in love & war" but I need to remember that in terms of relationships & even in the field of karma " As will be the energy which goes out so will be the energy that comes back so will be my destiny that will get created."

 The only difference is that we'll get instant results materialistically (promotion, money, so-called status & respect) but after this you'll get so much addicted to success obtained by unfair means that your mind will stop creating2 thoughts, your intellect won't evaluate if its right or wrong & very soon it'll become your sanskaar & you'll be ready to do anything to get ahead of others. This will overpower your mind, intellect & values. Sooner or later you'll get the return of your karmas then you shouldn't question " why did it happen to me ? "

Even in an actual race we are taught to look straight ie. focus on our own path instead of looking at everyone else coz the time v spend on focusing on other people is the time we'll miss out at the end & then we'll lose sight of our own journey.

For eg. Imagine going on a trip with your family in your car & all of u r happily singing & enjoying the journey but if u decide to compete or have a race with another car then if you'll say something to the person who is driving then they will tell you to shut up & won't listen to u coz their entire focus is on competing with the other car. How will d journey become ?  You'll miss out on all d fun & happiness.

That's what exactly happens in our journey called life when we start running in the rat race coz even if you win the race, you'll still remain a rat.

So, lets challenge our old belief system."I have to be better than them."
Lets look at this thought.What am I trying to tell myself & what message am I sending to the world outside.

The compass on the journey is our value system, our qualities, principles & strength. Lets focus on our journey of life.We are not competing with anyone.We don't have to be better than anyone else coz each one of us is already pure & complete.We are now only enjoying what we already have. Happiness is not at the destination. I don't have to reach faster than anyone else to experience that happiness. Its already there within me. Its who I am. On this journey, I'll not create any dis-empowering or negative thought about me or anyone else.

The belief system that life is a competition creates fear & insecurity & hence depletes our happiness.

 * Life is not a competition. Each one is on their own journey, live according to your choices, capacity, values and principles.
 * The output of our actions is in proportion to our inputs. Inputs could be circumstances, health, resources, and value systems. Our output is not dependent on the output of others.
 * Past Karma is a very important input factor. Even if all the present input factors of two people are the same, their past karma are different, therefore output will be different and therefore no competition. 
* If we compromise on our input factor -- values or interfere with the inputs of others, we are creating deep karma and this will influence our output today and in the future.

 {There is nothing called "Healthy Competition" coz anything which is done to put others down cannot be healthy.}

My life is my journey to my destination at my speed,using my capacity & on the basis of my values & principles. Living by the belief system "life is a competition" creates fear, anger, jealousy, hatred & is one of the main reasons why we resort to unethical means. We are not in competition with anyone. Our reference is only our own best & we keep working towards getting better from our best on the journey of improvement & empowerment. Lets co-operate with everyone we are meeting. The positivity & the blessings that we get keeps us contented, happy & successful.


Monday, 23 June 2014

You are being guided when you need it most

What does it even mean when people tell us that we are powerful? We certainly don't feel powerful at times. Being powerful means shifting our minds away from our troubles and into solution-thinking. We can access amazing inner-strengths by focusing on solutions rather than problems. But people often only focus and meditate on their problems, fears, worries and anxieties; playing out endless negative scenarios in their minds. This effectively disables their minds innately brilliant problem solving ability. If you relax your mind, it can begin working for you. Your total intelligence knows how to accomplish astounding feats. You just need a clear objective. Get clear. You will surprise yourself! The answer to your problems is to move forward and believe in yourself, which can seem like risk, but it's not — it's trust. Stretching, reaching and fully embracing your problems head-on will activate your untapped abilities. You would not believe what skill, power and ability your total intelligence possesses until you lose your balance. So stretch! Reach for it. Like falling down stairs, where your inner-genius takes over and saves you — your instincts are ready to serve you. But you have put yourself at risk to activate your instinctual genius.

If your options are closing-in around you and you feel panicked, scared and helpless, this is the time for action. Your greatest moments of challenge are a call to defy your timid habits of safety and rush out into life. This is the time to go out, socialize, meet new people, be around friends and embrace living. When you feel the crushing pressure and you feel paralyzed, don't lay in bed and cover your head with the blanket. This is the time to open your windows, let the sunshine in and breathe the fresh air. Do something profoundly irresponsible like forgetting about your problems for a while: go to a movie, go for a walk, create some art or spend time with a sweet friend. Act as though everything will be perfectly fine — because it will. Life has you and it's not letting you go. Only the frantic of fear can harm you. Your calm and centered self knows exactly what to do. In the moments of your deepest need, despair and desperation, what you need more than any other thing, is calm and faith. Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax. Have faith in your abilities. You are being guided when you need it most — if you will just listen.

Quit faking perfect and be yourself

So many people cover-up things within themselves. They smile when they really need to frown. They "laugh" nervously when they are uneasy and uncomfortable. They try to make it "all right" so everything can be "perfect" and "fine." We do this to be accepted. We do this because people guilt us into acting perfect. We fake perfect so others don't have to experience any unpleasant realities, because their life is just as fake as ours. If some people came into contact with anything real they would be shocked out of their minds. This phony life builds-up inside of you until one day you erupt like a volcano and you don't know why. But, some people don't explode, they implode. They fake perfect until they disappear forever and become someone else's version of who they "should" be. Either way it's a total loss of life. You are lost because you have not been being honest with yourself, and your life is largely unexamined and unexerted. You have to do some thinking and know who you are, and then you have to resist compromising your truth for the comfort of others. Don't intentionally be rude, but be you. Some people will see you as an asshole because they don't understand honesty, integrity and honoring oneself. Witnessing honesty frightens some people because they haven't known authenticity in their own life. But really, your abrasion is the rub they may need to open themselves or at least cause them them think. In a world of sleepwalkers an awakened mind is a teacher and a catalyst for new awakenings, whether they want to be or not. A moment of truth is very powerful. Instead of smiling to be polite, just frown. Instead of laughing when you are nervous or uncomfortable, just speak your truth. Instead of acting like everything is all right, proclaim it isn't alright, and talk about your feelings! Honor your truth. Honor yourself. Be real. If you can honor yourself and be real about your discomfort and pain, then your happiness will be just as real. If you can't be real and firm with others about who you are, you will be doomed to a phony, plastic bullshit existence, where you only live for others. When you are real you can move through what ails you instead of being stuck there forever in some sort of "Pleasantville" hell.

There is nothing you will ever do that is more important than being honest about who you really are. As crazy as it may seem, most of us are not who we think we are; we are someone else's ideas. Two words: cultural conditioning. Our identities are tremendously warped and distorted by yesterday's trauma and tomorrow's expectations. The struggle to excavate your true, authentic self from beneath the mountain of conditioning and ridiculous expectation is the epic struggle of your lifetime. Most people are buried alive in a cultural and familial avalanche from the moment they are born, and are never seen or heard from again. Your number one mission in life is to be who you were intended to be. Nothing is more miserable than living a muted existence of inauthenticity. All pain in life comes from suppressing your true identity. You must begin to understand that this is your life; no one else's! This is your precious, wonderful, unique and brief moment in life! Please, I beg you, to at least be honest with yourself and be who you are. If you can't be who you really are then what is life but an unbearable lie? Refuse to be coerced. Resist the suppressive pressure to contract, and instead expand in defiance. Resist and declare that you are alive; you are you, and you are unmasterable and beautifully broken in a fixed world.

Almost all real spirituality is about connecting with your truth. Who you are is an expression of your version of a Higher Power. You insult every version in existence of a Higher Power when you live falsely, timidly and out of accord with your awesomely unique truth. There are different levels of consciousness and awareness. Every discipline of religion and psychology has their own version of this stratification. There are varying levels of spirituality, emotional maturity and intellectuality. These levels effectively isolate us from one-another. The higher realms can see and visit the lower realms, but the lower realms have difficulty seeing or visiting the higher realms. Ascension through all levels of consciousness and awareness can only happen when you live life as you, and not how others think you should live. How could self-realization possibly be anything other than being yourself? Taking advice is fine; by all means, be open-minded, but not to the point of allowing others to obliterate your uniqueness. Evolving and bettering yourself is wonderful, but not if the set of standards and values you adopt smothers you into oblivion in the process. Your uniqueness is the greatest gift you will ever receive in life. Your uniqueness is the master key that unlocks the hidden treasures of your lifetime. Who you are is indispensable to yourself and others. You are worthless to others if you don't know your own self and self-worth. Claw your way out of your slumber. Look deeply within yourself; that is what they mean when they talk about "finding yourself" and "knowing yourself." And once you find yourself — exert yourself unapologetically and unconditionally. Expand into the fullness of you. Dare to simply own the space of your body. Own your space! This is your life! Be you. There is one clear urgency in your life that you must never neglect, and that is — you must be yourself. 

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Modify Ur thinking to modify India..

Unity in Diversity 4which India was famous seems 2hv vanished.. M not much into politics n I dont really care whoever wins or loses coz its just a part of d game..I neither hate a specific person der nor do i love someone out der..I'm not an extremist but I wonder is it d same country in whose freedom struggle Ashfaq,Bhagat Singh,Lala lajpat Rai n all d countless ppl of different creeds n religions fought together..

It pains my heart to witness d sorry state of affairs..Ppl use each n everything 2create barriers n divide d nation..be it religion, color or politics..

"Ye dekh k patange bhi hairaan ho gayi ki ab toh chhate bhi hindu aur musalmaan ho gyi.."

In d past couple of months, my country was divided into 2parts - Modi & Kejriwaal to such an extent dat ppl were fighting wid der frnds on dis..Kuch log toh apna opinion dusre pe thopne ki cheshta kar rahe the..1koi status tha "Saare samajhdaar log is ko hi vote karenge"..problem kya hai janaab aapki..aap ho kaun decide karne wale ki kaun akalmand hai kaun bevkoof..

"Kisi k gunaaho ko benakaab na kar, Ishwar baitha hai tu hisaab na kar.."

2day also ppl r fighting wid each other on d same issue..Its gud2xpress ur happiness but y do u need2pull d other person down4it.. Some ppl r writing "haters will hate,fuck d haters,fall in line,falana grade citizens bla bla bla.."

When v can easily accept dat there r diff breeds of dogs n other animals den y is it difficult 2 accept dat it holds true 4us humans also..Y not appreciate d fact dat v r all different coz dats what makes us unique..Der is always a contrary opinion..V ol hv r different definition of rights n wrongs..jo aapke hisab se sahi hai..wo ho sakta hai mere liye galat ho..

Kitni boring life hoti if all of us would have been xerox copies of each other..Difference of think'g is what makes d world beautiful..

Its not some XYZ politician who will come n modify India..Its our thinking dat v need 2modify..A country is made up of its citizens..Its not about a single person.. Gandhiji said it better dan I ever could "Be d change dat u want to see in d world"

 or as Mother Teresa puts it "If all of us sweep our doorstep, world would be clean"..

V can modify India only by modifying r thinking n mentality, by helping each other, respecting each other regardless of der caste,creed or religion or when we will stop dividing our country on d basis of politics n religion den only v will be secular n democratic in d true sense of d word..tab tak bharat gulaam hi rahega..Usey Aaazaad sahi mayne me karna hai toh apni soch ko parivartit karo..U gotta do it 4urself...No1 else can do it 4u.. 

P.S. : I wanna see good days coming but dat will happen only when v will behave properly like human beings..