The deepest addiction to give up today is the addiction to public approval.
Whenever anyone tries to follow their heart and do something which is different from society's sets of rights & wrongs or to take the road less traveled by then he is told "Chaar log dekhenge toh kya sochenge." All of us try to find that who are those four people so interested in our lives.
Lets meet some people who were told that they are good for nothing.
J.K. Rowling was a widow. She said "Harry Potter's manuscript was returned so fast, they must have been sent back the same day they arrived" & the Harry Potter series reinvented the book selling business.
Disney was told he had no imagination.
Edison , Steve Jobs, Sandeep Maheshwari were school drop-outs.
Robin Sharma said that earlier when he was living his neighbor's life then he didn't like the person who stared back at him from the mirror.
Beatles were told they couldn't perform well..
If these people would have cared about public opinion then the world would have lost its true gems.
Please don't use other people's lies to feel good or bad about yourself because if u use their lies to feel good then very soon u will feel bad when they are saying something else which is not favorable. Addiction to public approval is the toughest addiction to give up today.

When people are saying something to me, they are only talking through their sanskaars.U know when somebody says " Don't take it personally".It means "Don't take it to yourself. Its not about U. Its about me."
“Whatever happens around you, don’t take it personally… if I see you on the street and say, ‘Hey, you are so stupid,’ without knowing you, it’s not about you; it’s about me. If you take it personally, then perhaps you believe you are stupid. Maybe you think to yourself, ‘How does he know? Is he clairvoyant, or can everybody see how stupid I am?’”
Marcus Aurelius tells us: “The approval of such men, who do not even stand well in their own eyes, has no value for him.”
Ervin Seale in his book Take Off from Within reminds us: “There is one recurring, persistent, perennial, and dogging personal problem which, more than any other, steals the force and peace of people and ruins projects and enterprises and careers. It is the habit of feeling hurt because of what others do or do not do and what they say or do not say.”
Deepak Chopra has a mantra I’ve said thousands of times:
I’m totally independent of the good or bad opinion of others.
Why is this such a big deal?
Because, as Don Miguel Ruiz says: “Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.”
Let’s think about it. Imagine interacting with the same person in two different situations.
First: the person had an AWESOME day—they got a great night of sleep, won the lottery and every other thing that could’ve possibly gone well for them unfolded. They’re feelin’ great. How do you think they’re gonna treat us? Probably pretty well, eh?
Now, same person. This time, they got a really bad night of sleep, lost their job, got in a car accident, didn’t eat all day long and every other annoying thing that could’ve happened, happened. Not in such a good mood.
How do you think they’re gonna treat us now? Probably no where near as well as when they’re rested, happy and all that jazz, eh?
The important thing to note here is that WE were exactly the same in both situations. But if we base our opinion of ourselves on how someone else treats us, we’re in trouble.

People can come & give me their opinion, their advice, let me take it, evaluate it with what I know about the advice then take it & don't like it then throw it away completely coz they only came, spoke about themselves & left.
Sometimes they can come only to trouble u, say it n walk off. Its like if I'm jealous of u then I can never speak nicely about u even if u r the best person in d world but if u r going to feel bad about it then its sad coz actually I was the one in pain coz of my jealousy..I was not being bad about u but u took that to feel bad about yourself..Mere baare me aisa bolte hai..mere baare me..Jealous hai toh aisa hi bolenge.
Is it fair that they are speaking like that about me? They will talk like that as its the only thing they can feel at that time. They are not doing it deliberately.Nobody does it deliberately. U know , when we say that they are seeing it from their perspective then we are talking about the sanskaars..Our sanskaars are like a filter.We can see people & situations only through that filter. They cannot see them another way.
Don't try to show people your perspective.Less chances they will understand it coz they have another filter..depends on the lens,no..If my perspective is concave lens & yours is convex lens then same situation will appear different to both of us.We can spend our lifetime trying to make the other person understand it but they will just not understand coz the lens is different.
U know, sometimes, we get very scared that if so & so speaks like this about me, what will other people think about me? ye sabko ja k bol denge, college me,office me- sare frnds aur relatives ko ja k bol denge fir sab log mere baare me kaisa sochenge?

Now, if suppose, someone is wearing a white shirt..I'm wearing blue color lenses so I'l say he's blue. I'll shout at the top of my voice that he's blue, he's blue, he's blue .What will other people think about him? Depends on the color of their lenses, their acquired sanskaars.
Even if I keep on trying to convince them that he's blue, someone will see him pink,someone will see him black, another person will see him grey..Most important, which color will he see himself in? He will see himself through the filter of his acquired sanskaars.
Actually none of us are seeing the white.Its because of the different filters or lenses.

Everyone is different but everyone is right as per their perspective.What is right as per me may not be right as per u. All of us have different definition of rights & wrongs so I need to accept the difference.I can keep sharing what is my perspective but just respect & accept that the other person's perspective will be different.
This will help me to remain calm & stable, strengthen our relationships & more important in strengthening my own qualities..

But if you truly want to be your best, you must make those decisions for yourself…
…or others will make them for you.
Don't let this happen.
Stop restricting your behavior just so others will like you. Be who you truly are and do it often. Over time your natural behavior will draw in people who like you for who you are and what you want to succeed in.
Always Act like u r wearing an invisible crown. You are the princess of your own movie called life..Lets make it a blockbuster..