Friday, 2 January 2015



"What can be said in New Year rhymes, 
That's not been said a thousand times? 
The new years come, the old years go,
 We know we dream, we dream we know.
 We rise up laughing with the light,
 We lie down weeping with the night. 
We hug the world until it stings, 
We curse it then and sigh for wings. 
We live, we love, we woo, we wed, 
We wreathe our prides, we sheet our dead. 
We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear,
 And that's the burden of a year."

Time's transient trend brings an Old Year's end—
Good old friend, I bid thee adieu;
Again may I say, on a New Year's Day,
Behold all things are new!
With added age comes a clean white page,
And a hope that never dies,
For a record therein that's free from sin.
In the year that before me lies.
Last night came tears for the wasted years:
For the good that I failed to do;
For a record kept how I prayed and wept,
Yet failed to struggle through.
Like the babe that falls and tumbles and crawls.
Ere he walks in the way of men,
Though I stumble oft, am jeered and scoffed—
Thank the Lord, I rise again!
So the Old Year's played,
and its record made:
And though not what it might have been,
I will still press on in the new-found dawn.
Of a year yet free from sin;
By thy help, O God, may the path be trod
Where Thy glory e'er shall shine,
As I journey on in the glowing dawn
Of the year Two Zero One Five.

There's a new year coming your way..
 all frustrations drowned 
with the chill of cold air around 
as the new year rises array 
everybody say hip hip hurray!
 Do you remember the things that made you laugh, 
cry like a calf? 
never forget the luck you had the whole year;
if you didn't have any, don't moan saying' "oh dear"!
'cause there's more to come in the new year!
 Goodbye is what is said to this year
 expecting more to happen in the next year. 
Have fun everyone! and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Let go of things that you are not supposed to hold on to. They made you happy once, but maybe this time, they'll make someone happier..We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.This New Year resolve to find out more about who you are.

  New year is the time to forget every bad memory of the past year and start your life afresh. So, get up and hug a friend with whom you had a fight lately, get up and hug your parents and promise them you will not hurt them anymore, give a self hug and promise to yourself that come what may you would remain truthful to yourself, hug a poor kid and tell her that she is not alone, Help the needy and abolish the greedy from your life. 

Today, you've been blessed with a gift -- a fresh, pristine and gorgeous New Year. The limits of the past no longer can shackle you. Old fears need not frighten you. Who you were last year doesn't define who can be this year.
You see, you have a strength and power within you that longs to awaken now. You have more bravery than you know. More wisdom than you imagine.
My prayer for you -- and those you love -- is that you rise in 2015. Rise to meet all challenges with a peaceful heart. Rise above mediocrity in hot pursuit of mastery. Rise to live the life of your childhood dreams. You deserve no less.

Even during the worst of times
When I feel the years go slipping by
Life seems rife with possibilities
When the New Year arrives.
Buoyed by hope at the new year coming
I feel renewed and want to start living.
 Here comes the New Year
 And its time to make resolutions 
For I promise to be sincere 
And bring in me a revolution.
 To my friends I'll be kind
 Have my character refined 
To a helper of mankind 
With a sound mind.

I'll follow my teacher's advice.
Regularly I'll exercise.
My mother I'll idolize.
Beyond doubt I'll civilize.
These are my resolutions.
To bring in me an evolution.
To follow them I'll try my best.
Until then I'll not rest.

This year I'll travel and see the sights
I'll be bold, I'll be courageous
I'll reach out and go beyond

 I'll be a new fish in a brand new pond.
This new year I'll be brave and I'll be strong.
Even though time does fly.
I won't let this year be wasted.
I'll look forward to new adventures
And be open to opportunities I am graced with.
I'll learn and laugh and have good times.
I won't dwell on years gone by.
I'll start each new morning a brand new way.
I'll pretend it is New Year's Day!

 As the world celebrates.
 With fireworks and cakes.

I'm standing here alone .
Far away from home.
With nothing but a suitcase and memories.
As the stars surround me like water
I raise my hands in full surrender
To God, my Redeemer Lord,
this year is far from ordinary.
I've never seen such extraordinary.
People, places and things.
Amazing human beings.
Searching for purpose, just like me.

Looking around, I wonder.
Since a year is like clashing thunder.
Booming suddenly.
Then vanishing instantly.
Why waste time uselessly?
The old year came and went.
I hope your time was wisely spent.
On helping others, working hard.
So that many people may regard.
Your lifetime as truly great.
And not just because of fate.
So learn this lesson, but not from me!
Try it yourself and you will see.
Making a difference starts with one step.
With one foot, then the next.
So walk right now, into the light.
And find yourself shining bright.
Don't worry what people think
Because right now you're on the brink
Of showing others what is true.
 Happy New Year, from me to you.

 Hail, New-born Year!
 Cradled in morning clouds Golden and white. 
I cannot see Thy face--'tis wrapp'd in mystery; 
But Spring for thee is painting flowers, 
And Summer decks her woven bowers; 
Rich Autumn's sheaves will soon be reap'd,
 With store of fruits in sunbeams steep'd,
 And one by one with gentle hand folds back thy sunlit shrouds.

Here’s to the new year... May it bring more joy and success And less grief and regret.
To our dreams... May we never stop believing in them And taking the actions that will make them a reality.
To our friends, loved ones, associates (or colleagues)... May we take the time to let them know How much it means to us To have them in our lives.
Let us encourage more and criticize less, Give more and need less. And whenever we can, Let us create harmony and peace.
To new beginnings... Let us start fresh, right now, To make this the very best year ever.
A very Happy New Year to all of us!

 How can I use the New Year 

I’ll find new ways to serve others;
I’ll focus on "give" instead of "get"
In everything I do.
I’ll forgive the people I’m mad at;
Angry feelings I’ll discard;
I’ll try to love my enemies,
Even though it’s hard.
In the new year, I’ll lift people up,
Instead of putting them down.
I’ll fill my heart with love and joy,
And never wear a frown.
I’ll let go of my worries;
I’ll put it all in His hands;
I’ll repent and try to sin less,
And obey all His commands.
These new year’s resolutions
Are difficult, at best,
But there’s something I can do each day
 That will put my soul at rest:

Fulfillment in the New Year
Here’s to the outgoing year,  "2014"
 that’s past its expiration date—
 We all had some surprises, didn’t we?
 Some good, some distressing.
 Let’s use everything we got from our experiences, everything we learned, to enrich the new year.
 May the good times live on in our memories,
and may we learn lessons from the troubling times that will make us stronger and better than ever.

Here’s to  "2015"
May its bright, shiny package contain even more than we hope for.
And even while we’re delighting in new treasures, let’s appreciate fully what we already have— the blessings we take for granted. Make a list, and check it twice.
And here’s to all you wonderful people.
   I hope in the new year you see yourselves the way I see you: intelligent, interesting, and likable.
 For each and every one of you,
May it be filled with significant steps towards the fulfillment of your fondest wishes.
In this coming new year, let us focus on our goals and work toward our dreams, and yet (smile) let’s all try to go with the flow a little more and stress a little less.
And most important, here’s to all of you.
Appreciate yourselves and each other in the new year as I appreciate all of you now.
 Let’s focus on each other’s good points and choose to overlook minor annoyances to create mutual happiness and contentment in "2015").
Here’s to 2015  (raise glass): Enjoy the journey!

Look For The Good
In the New Year, let's resolve to get less stressed, upset, anxious about things over which we have no control. Lets have a narrower focus on our lives, loving and helping our family and friends, making our community a better place to live, to create peace and contentment.
In the New Year, let's resolve to pay less attention to depressing stories on TV, in magazines and newspapers, and to stop focusing on what we want that we haven't got, instead of appreciating the many blessings we do have.
In the New Year, let's look for the good. We may have to search through a mass of negative media, but the good is there, all around us.
I wish for you a New Year filled with good, engulfed in serenity and happiness!May this new year find you healthier and happier, peaceful, content, satisfied, looking forward to fresh, revitalizing interests, a variety of pleasures, interesting new people, material, personal & spiritual successes to make this new year the best one yet.

In the New Year, I wish you the best year you’ve ever had, and that each New Year will be better than the last. May you realize your fondest dreams and take time to recognize and enjoy each and every blessing.
Happy New Year, And many more !

 So, just forget all your grudges and send these wonderful new year wishes to your loved ones. Let the New Year make you correct all your vices and brush up all your virtues as you strive to put your best foot forward to welcome the brand new year.. Wishing all u lovely people out there a very happy, hot n happening year ahead filled with all d fragrances of roses, illuminated with all d lights of the world & blessed with all d smiles on d planet..May 2014 be your best year yet..Cheers to 2014..Have a blessed life..Be the best version of you..Keep Smiling..keep Shining..n do take very good care of yourselves..


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